Virtual Storyboard
Presenter Corner


Virtual Storyboard Overview

Virtual Storyboards are comprised of three components:

  • An image of your storyboard (as a .png or .jpg AND pdf file); created just like you would do for an in-person poster.
  • A 3-minute recording describing your storyboard.
  • Designated time during the conference where you are expected to be available, in front of your computer, to respond to questions via the text or video chat feature. The Virtual Storyboard Session is scheduled for May 4, from 9:30 - 10:30 p.m. (New York Time) AND May 5, from 1 - 2 p.m. (New York Time).

All of these components will come together on a dedicated page on our virtual event platform. You will receive an email from the virtual platform (Pheedlop) with a link to the webpage where you will load your documents and prepare the elements for your page. You have until Friday, April 5 to follow the step-by-step directions provided below. Your Storyboard must be completed to be included in the programme.

Key Deadline Dates:

 February 18  Notify the conference office if you are not serving as the primary contact
 February 24  At least one author must be registered (or apply for a scholarship) for         your Storyboard to be included in the conference programme.
 February 25  Link to Virtual Storyboard portal emailed.
 March 9  Ask questions and set up your portal at the (optional) Storyboard   Presenter How-To Webinar, 10:00 – 11:00 AM New York Time
 April 5  Deadline to upload Storyboard
 May 4  First Virtual Storyboard Session: 9:30-10:30 PM New York (EDT)
 May 5  Second Virtual Storyboard Session: 1:00-2:00 PM New York (EDT)

Basic Specifications

 Artwork Size  1000 px (width) by 400 px (height)
 Artwork Format  .jpeg or .png AND .pdf
 Video Length  3 minutes
 Video Format  Mp4, Max 100 MB



 Phone  (505) 266-3451
Toll Free US  (866) 219-4582
Click HERE to determine your international dialing code to the US.
 Office Hours  Monday through Friday
6:00 am – 5:00 pm MST


Virtual Storyboard Presenter Webinar

Please note that the Open House/Tech Check dates are now April 28 from 8 - 9 p.m. ET and April 29 from 11 - 12 p.m. ET.

Virtual Storyboard Portal Instructions

1. Font Awesome info circle  INFORMATION

To build your storyboard page on the virtual website, follow these STEP-BY-STEP instructions. We have  broken the directions down by each menu tab that appears on the left side of your screen to help you complete your Virtual Storyboard page. 

2. Font Awesome Pen Square EDIT PROFILE

  • Tagline: Add a brief tagline that describes your Virtual Storyboard.
  • Organizational Description/Promo Text: Review your Virtual Storyboard abstract; this is what you submitted during the Call For Proposals. Edit text for clarity/brevity/accuracy as needed. This is what the attendee will see when they visit your page.
  • Email:  Only include if you want it public, otherwise, leave blank.
  • Keywords: This is used to help attendees search the programme. Enter as many words as you would like, each separated by a comma. Keywords do not show up on your profile.
  • Contact: Only include if you want it public, otherwise, leave blank.
  • Links: Include the links to the social media sites you would like to share with other people in the appropriate box. You can also include an organization or personal website here. You will note a box to enter a YouTube video. This is NOT where your presentation video will be posted. You can use this for a secondary video that appears under your presentation video, but it must be hosted on YouTube. People have used this as an additional resource or to provide organizational information.

3.  Font Awesome Paint Brush Solid EDIT DESIGN

  • Thumbnail:  Place your organization's logo here, or a photo of lead presenter.
  • Banner: This is where you upload the .png or .jpeg file of your Virtual Storyboard.  The recommended size is 1000 px (width) by 400 px (height).
    Tip: You can customize the size of a PowerPoint slide in the PowerPoint application by selecting the "Design" tab and selecting "Slide Size."
  • Storyboard Recording:  This is where you will upload your recorded presentation in an Mp4 file format with a maximum size of 100 megabytes. Read below for assistance on recording your presentation.


As a Virtual Storyboard presenter, you are expected to provide a video presentation (3 minutes or 100 MB) of your work.

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation. You can use any meeting software as long as you capture a good quality recording and your final file is in the MP4 format. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

You can also use the two-step method covered below:

Tips for recording:

  • Find a quiet area and avoid areas with an echo.
  • Make sure you have a strong Wi-Fi connection.
  • Do not have a window behind you.
  • Raise your camera to eye level for the best video angle.
  • Avoid using your computer’s built-in microphone if possible.

4. User Circle Solid  STORYBOARD AUTHORS

If other co-authors will be present at the conference, and participating in the Virtual Storyboard Sessions, you can add their information by selecting “Add New Presenter." Enter their information and select their role. All authors, regardless of whether they are attending, will be listed in the Storyboard Description if they were provided during the CFP process.

5. Font Awesome Cloud Upload Solid  FILE UPLOADS

  • Upload a PDF version of your Virtual Storyboard to allow attendees to download and view your Virtual Storyboard in more detail.
  • Upload any handouts and resources separately, making sure you have copyright approval.
  • Name your files referencing your presentation title or document content. Do not name files with a generic name, i.e., GIC materials.  The system will accept long file names (up to 100 characters).
  • The maximum file size is 100 MB.
  • Leave Private File unchecked; otherwise, it will not be available to the attendees.

6. Font Awesome Stack Exchange  ANNOUNCEMENTS

Check here for any announcements or important alerts from the conference office.