This Call for Proposals invites presenters from the global implementations community to submit proposals for a virtual storyboard forum pairing brief video overviews with visual abstracts and a chat feature to allow interaction with attendees around the world.
Deadline: EXTENDED TO NOVEMBER 22, 2020
Conference Theme and Top 10 Sub-Themes |
The GIC Program Planning Group, colleagues and members of implementation networks generated the following theme and sub-themes for GIC 2021:
Addressing Equity in Implementation:
Program Objectives
The GIC 2021 conference program is designed to engage delegates in a learning and networking experience that facilitates:
- Sharing of lessons learned from implementation work
- Expanding networks between people working in a variety of disciplines, systems, and regions of the world
- Increasing knowledge of implementation science to inform improvements in systems, organizations, and communities
- Understanding how to apply implementation frameworks, strategies, practices, and tools to achieve socially significant improvements
To achieve these objectives, presenters are encouraged to develop sessions that emphasize:
- Authentic and interactive engagement of delegates
- Listening and learning that is solution-focused
- Applied learning with the goal to actively use newly acquired knowledge, skills, and tools post-conference
Key Dates
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION OPEN | September 8, 2020 |
EXTENDED TO 11/22/2020 5:00 pm U.S. Eastern Time |
REGISTRATION GOES LIVE | December 8, 2020 |
Presentation Options
Virtual Storyboard Forum: open consultation with delegates
Each presenter (or small group) will prepare a storyboard (sometimes referred to as a “visual abstract”) highlighting work in progress or recently completed. Presenters will prepare a 3-5-minute video overview of their storyboard and pose an issue for consultation with delegates, which is pertinent to the completion of the work or to maximize its contribution to the field of implementation science and practice. The main goal of these sessions is to foster networks and collaboration for advancement of the field. Accepted submissions must follow a technical specification for production and presentation, which include preparation of a storyboard and a brief oral presentation or recording that accompanies the storyboard.
Here is a Sample:
How to Submit Proposals
Written proposals may only be submitted online.
A list of the information you will need to submit online is provided below:
Presenter(s): (a maximum of three presenters will be listed in the program)
Contact information for first presenter:
Abstract Guidelines Storyboard Sessions (1-page limit)
- Title (no more than 20 words)
3-5 Learning Objectives - Written summary (no more than 250 words)
- Key Question/Issue to be posed for Consultation
- Relevance to Implementation
Considerations for Presenters
If your proposal is accepted, you will be asked to consent to the following:
- To have your storyboard and video (or written summary) posted on the Conference website during and after the Conference;
- To have your chat responses and/or session recording posted on the Conference website after the Conference.
Abstract Selection Criteria
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by specialists in the field of implementation. Acceptance will be based on the following criteria:
- Does the proposal address the aims of GIC 2021, as described above?
- Does the proposal outline key implementation questions/issues to be addressed?
- Does the proposal address the learning and process goals for the conference?
- Does the proposal address how these goals will contribute to increased application of knowledge and expertise by delegates in their post-conference work?
- Does the proposal describe the session presenter’s approach and ability to engage delegates in an interactive learning process?
- Is the proposal judged to be of high quality?