Virtual Storyboards
The Virtual Storyboard Sessions will be held twice during the conference and provide poster presenters with the opportunity to share their work through a brief video that describes their work and a storyboard image, similar to a traditional poster but is more visual in nature. Attendees can chat via text or video with the presenters, depending on the availability. The storyboards are organized across the following themes: cost-effectiveness measurement and tools, cross-cultural fidelity and adaptation, equity and inclusiveness, implementation capacity and readiness assessment, implementation strategy selection/intervention mapping, leadership and change management, scaling and sustainment, systems thinking in implementation design, and using technology in high- and low-resource settings.
There will be dedicated time to meet with the authors on May 4 from 9:30 to 10:30 PM New York Time (EDT) and May 5 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM New York Time (EDT). To convert this to your time zone, click here.
Virtual Storyboards by Theme
Finding and using quality appraised synthesis evidence on the cost-effectiveness of public health interventions
Kristin Read, Patricia Burnett, Maureen Dobbins
Studying the cost-effectiveness of iFightDepression: Implementation of a guided web-based self-management intervention for depressive disorders
Hanna Reich, Ulrich Hegerl
Evaluating an undergraduate community engagement-focused global health field school in rural Uganda: assessing student and community outcomes
Wifred Arubaku
Implementing Sustainable Global Mental Health Resources
Eugenie Yang, Wendi Schweiger
Rubric Development Methods: Creating a Fidelity Rubric for Schools Implementing Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
Jennifer Pierce
Anti-Oppression in Implementation: Using Crip Time as a Case Study
Hilda Smith
Beyond the survey: Funneling the expertise of clients and trainers (Multi-directional Implementation) into the heart of Family Centered Treatment's development.
Jon McDuffie
Designing Implementation Infrastructure from an Equity Perspective
Alissa Rausch, Sherri Britt Williams, Catasha Williams
Enhancing Implementation: Using Systems Thinking to Build Racial and Social Justice Locally and Nationally
Brittany Cook, Pam Imm, Rumana Rabbani
Gender based Analysis (GBA) to improve Utilization and Coverage of Clinical and Surgical interventions at Masaka regional referral hospital-Uganda.
Denis Ssenyondwa
Implementation Teams’ Perceptions of Collaboration with a Racial Equity Lens: Results from Diverse Stakeholders Applied to Improvement in Implementation Stages
April Diaz, Nancy Kepple, Cheryl Holmes, Linda Banda, Juliana Carlson, Becci Akin
Improving Handwashing Practices on University Campuses: A Case Study at a Canadian University
Joshua Pratt
Infusing Equity and Inclusivity in Assessments of Community Capacity to Scale-up Effective Programs
Rebecca Roppolo, Jenna Armstrong, Will Aldridge
Lifting Up Equitable Stakeholder Voice: Considerations for Implementation Support Practice
Devon Minch, Christina Disalvo, Jessica Reed, Will Aldridge
Mediating Learning in the UDL Classroom
Huiting Li, Lisa Goh, Esther Low, Lucy Pou
Navigating the Complexity of Intersectionality in Implementation
Ersaleen Hope, Shelley Siman
Pursuing Equity and Justice in Implementation: Learning from the Collective Process of Addressing Racial Disparities in Child Welfare
Kelechi Wright, Sarah McCall, Becci Akin
Understanding Vulnerability of Women in Accessing and Utilizing MNCH Services in Western Uganda: An Intersectionality Approach
Clementia Murembe
Using an Equity Lens in Workforce Development Systems for Implementation Support Providers
Jessica Reed, William Aldridge, Robin Jenkins, Renee Boothroyd
Analyzing State-Created K-12 Curriculum Evaluation Tools from an Implementation Science Perspective
Kristen Rolf, Sarah Pinkelman, Kaitlin Bundock
Are organizations and primary care clinics ready to implement Person-Centred Quality Indicators to improve person-centred care?
Kimberly Manalili, Maeve O'Beirne, Cathie Scott, Brenda Hemmelgarn, Maria Jose Santana
Building Capacity for the Dissemination and Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines for Global Trauma Care Delivery
Rick Caldwell, Elizabeth Mann-Salinas
Building Decision Support Data Systems for New Programmes in Settings where Implementation Science is New: Lessons from Scotland
Alexander McTier, Mihaela Manole
Collaborative Teaming and Planning to Support the Selection of Innovations and Implementation Strategies
Becci Akin, Kaela Byers, Stacy Dunkerley, Shelby Clark, Kelechi Wright, Vickie McArthur
Delivering the Right Stuff, Step-by-Step: How the New Intermediary on the Block is Assessing Needs to Design Implementation Services
MaryAnn Notarianni, Kelly Bradley, Ashlee Mulligan
Development and Implementation of the Programme Essential Checklist (PEC)
Michael Zhou, Wei Tshen Ho, Bee Li Tan
Fostering Health System Readiness for Implementation: The Maximizing Engagement for Readiness and Impact Approach.
Teddy Kyomuhangi
Implement now, evaluate later: The case of virtual mental health services
Travis Sztainert, Catherine Willinsky, Tamir Virani
Iterative Development of a Fidelity Assessment to the Balance Needs of Multi-system Human Services Settings
Linda Banda, Becci Akin, April Diaz, Juliana Carlson, Cheryl Holmes, Nancy Kepple
Let the internet guide us. Web scraping data about implementation context and readiness
Jon Scaccia
On the journey to evidence-informed public health: Mixed methods analysis of a knowledge broker mentoring program
Emily Clark, Bandna Dhaliwal, Claire Howarth, Marla Steinberg, Sarah Neil-Sztramko, Maureen Dobbins
Re-contextualizing Readiness and Capacity to Improve Implementation Efficiency
Peggy McElgunn, Zachary McElgunn, Kurt Jensen
Sistema Lazos: a government experience of scale implementation of coordinated evidence-based programs in prevention of youth crime in Chile.
Fabiana Castro, Francisca Puga Traverso, Raul Perry
The CFIR Card Game: An Innovative Approach for Identifying Implementation Barriers
Myra Piat, Eleni Sofouli, Megan Wainwright, Joshua Miller
The COllaborative Research, Implementation, And LEadership Training to AddresS Chronic Conditions across the Life CoursE (COALESCE) Program
Karla Galaviz, Prabhakaran Dorairaj, Damen Haile Mariam, Solveig Cunningham, Shivani Patel, Mohammed Ali
The polio vaccination and eradication initiatives in Asia: The barriers and facilitators
Rakshana Shanmuganathan
Adapting population health interventions to new contexts: rationale, principles, and procedures
Ani Movsisyan, Lisa Pfadenhauer, Rhiannon Evans
Assessing Effective Implementation Strategies to Optimize Medication Safety for US Veterans
Anju Sahay, Paul Heidenreich
Can nurturing care indexes support equitable early childhood programming at local levels?
Gabriela Buccini, Muriel Gubert
Developing a Practice Model – From Ideation to Execution
Lucy Pou, Shujun Oh
Factors associated with implementation fidelity: An analysis of Parenting for Lifelong Health-Teens programme facilitator delivery at scale
Mackenzie Martin
Gainsharing Programs as a Tool for the Cost-effective Prescribing of Biologics: An Analysis of Implementation Challenges Across Europe
Teresa Barcina Lacosta, Arnold Vulto, Isabelle Huys, Steven Simoens
HPV Vaccine Implementation in Rwanda: A Remarkable Journey and a Motivation for Africa
Mansi Purwaha
Interventions for long-lasting insecticide net compliance for Malaria eradication in Nigeria: A systematic review
Sughra Fatima
Malaria Bed Net Implementation in Tanzania: Challenges and Prospects
Abitha Nadarajah
Socio-economic factors affecting access and use of MNCH services among Vulnerable Women in Southwestern Uganda.
Clare Kyokushaba
Tools for Implementation Strategy Selection: An Approach to Intervention Mapping
Peggy McElgunn, Zachary McElgunn, Kurt Jensen
Transitioning from Traditional to Online Teaching Medium: A Case Study of Fatima Jinnah Women University during COVID-19 Pandemic
Shaheryar Naveed, Ch. Shoaib Akhtar, Saima Hamid
Using intervention mapping to design and implement quality improvement strategies towards the elimination of lymphatic filariasis in Northern Ghana
Alfred Kwesi Manyeh
Shannon Chaplo, Jenna Armstrong, Robin Jenkins, Jessica Reed, Julie Austen, Renee Boothroyd
Ruth Nairn, Emma Hanley, Dianne Burns
Anju Sahay, Paul Heidenreich
Sidrah McCarthy, Dr Lisa Griffiths
Eleanor McClorey
Accelerating Synthesis and Translation with Natural Language Processing
Jonathan Scaccia
Erin Albrecht, Julie Steffen, Lindsay Sherman, Amanda Fixsen
Heidi Cloutier, Bob Faghan
Thea Lauritsen, Per Jostein Matre
Ellen Nacik, Caryn Ward, Eric Kloos, John Gimpl
Myrthe van Schothorst
Donna Shelley, Nam Nguyen, Nancy Vandevanter
Heather McKay, Joanie Sims-Gould
Kaylin Beiter, Stephen Phillippi, Brian Bumbarger, Casey Thomas, Saskia Vos
Rodrigo Rojas-Andrade, Carlos Alberto dos Santos Treichel, Claudia Zamora Reszczynski, Leidy Janeth Erazo Chavez
Rafael Aiello Bomfim, Paulo Frazão
Dagfinn Mørkrid Thøgersen
Francisca Puga Traverso, Constanza Chiu, Rodrigo Rojas-Andrade
Kathleen Ryan Jackson, Amanda Waldroup, Veronica Sullivan, Andrea Crai, Stephanie Ernst
Sandra J. Diehl, Ximena Franco, Margaret M. Sullivan, William A. Aldridge II, Sarah A. Birken, Peter J. Mucha
Krista Highland, Lynn Hallard
Julia Moore, Maryanne D'Arpino, Wayne Miller, Megan Taylor, Tatiana Bustos, Sobia Khan
Kitty Williams, Jenny Nicholson, Claire Burns
Thomas Lear
Jennifer Gonzales, Caryn Sabourin Ward
Sherri Williams, Catasha Williams, Barbara Smith
Deborah Taub, Kristin Burnette, Diane Ryndak
Karen Minyard, Brigitte Manteuffel, Brian Galvin
Robin Jarvis, Caryn Ward
Juliana Carlson, Becci Akin, Cheryl Holmes, Linda Banda, April Diaz, Nancy Kepple
Jessica J. Reed, Wendy M. Morgan, Will A. Aldridge
Leonieke Boendermaker
Anusan Kannathas
Kristin Read, Heather Husson, Maureen Dobbins
Obidimma Ezezika
Anju Sahay, Mary Goldstein, Susan Zickmund
Susan Reay, William Reay