Frequently Asked Questions
Unfortunately, our system does not allow this. Please go to the “join” button on the GIS website and select “new member” in the membership portal. Once you finalize your membership, you can register at this link.
Discount codes can be applied on the Payment page at the end of the registration process.
No, please do not register until you learn about your scholarship status. We will make the announcement well before the early bird deadline date (March 31st) so you can still take advantage of the reduced rate.
Attendance options are full access or one day pass. You will be asked to indicate the date(s) you are attending.
Use the modify registration link in the confirmation email to modify or cancel your registration.
On the confirmation page you will have the option to substitute your registration under “More options.”
When you finish registering in Cvent, you will receive a confirmation email page with the details you entered and your unique confirmation number. We recommend saving or printing this page for your records. You will need that number to access your registration details again.
You will be able to update everything except for your name and email address. If you wish to change your name and/or email address, send an email to [email protected].
Please select your desired student registration option and upload an image of your student id or class schedule for verification (jpeg, png or pdf files accepted). Discounts are only available to full-time students.
Select the “modify registration” link in your confirmation email to make adjustments. The system will automatically process any refunds due.
If you haven’t received your confirmation email within 30 minutes, first check your junk box and spam. Confirm with your organization/institution that you can receive emails from the domain [email protected] via cvent-planner.com.
Go back to the registration site using the original link (for either member or non-member), click “Already registered” and then “To have the Confirmation Number sent to you, click this link.” Enter your email and the confirmation number will be sent to the email address you registered with.
Select the “View Receipt/Invoice” link on the registration confirmation page or in your confirmation email to access the document.
Kesselman-Jones is managing the conference finances. Their name will appear on your credit card statement and not the Global Implementation Society.
Unfortunately, there is no direct way to restore your cancelled registration. If registration is still open, feel free to re-register. If not, email [email protected] to see if they can re-register you.
Once registered, there is no way to update your email address, first name, and last name yourself. You will need to contact [email protected] to request an update.
If you are not able to finish a registration, please try again later or contact Kesselman-Jones to assist you having this information available:
- The best way to contact you (phone and email address)
- The contact information you entered when attempting to register.
- The selections you made and the expected outcome.
- The exact text and/or technical information that displayed if a notification message appeared.
Please email [email protected]. You can also call (505) 266-3451 or toll-free in the U.S. 866-219-4582, Monday through Friday, from 6:00 am – 5:00 pm Mountain Time.
Refunds processed through the registration site are automatically based on the GIC refund policy. If you have additional questions or concerns about your refund, please contact [email protected]
We do not offer group rates. Take advantage of the early bird discount of 20% to get the best possible rate.
Logging In
After registering for the event, you will receive a confirmation from our registration system confirming your payment. Now, just hold tight. You will receive an email closer to the event with the link to the virtual platform. This platform, called Pheedloop, is where you will access the live stream and each session during the conference. We recommend that you bookmark this link or keep it handy so that you know where to go to login when it comes time for each session.
No problem. You can come and go as you please through the virtual platform.
The official conference time zone is Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). This means all times on this website will be on EDT. When you log into the virtual platform, it will automatically change the session times to your current time zone.
We will have staff on hand to monitor our email, [email protected], and phones, (866) 219-4582, one hour prior and throughout the entire event. You can also use the chat feature on the virtual platform to reach our staff online.
The best way to have a clear connection is to completely close all other non-essential programs and browser tabs on your computer. Also, if you are at home, try not to have other devices pulling from your bandwidth, i.e. streaming tv, movies, games or music. Try to find the best WiFi signal or, better yet, hardwire your computer to the internet.
IMPORTANT: For the best experience, use a computer or laptop with the latest version of Google Chrome downloaded. Tablets, phones, and outdated browsers may limit the features you can access. Do not use Windows Explorer as it is outdated and not compatible with this system.
How to Find Your Internet Browser Version Number - Google Chrome. 1) Click on the Menu icon in the upper right corner of the screen. 2) Click on Help, and then About Google Chrome. 3) Your Chrome browser version number can be found here. As of January 2021, the latest version number of Chrome is 88.0.4324.104 on Windows and 87.0.4280.88 on Mac and Linux.
Sound issues are local issues specific to your device. Make sure to test your speakers. If you are getting robotic voices or a delay, it is most likely your internet. You can always try to leave and come back into the room.
We also recommend the following troubleshooting steps:
- Use Google Chrome. Make sure it is the updated version.
- Be sure you are allowing pop-ups and cookies for pheedloop.com.
- Allow Pheedloop and Zoom to access your audio and video when prompted.
- Restart your browser.
- Restart your machine.
Most of the presentations will be recorded. Recordings will be posted on the virtual platform to access after the conference.
If the presenter has granted us permission to post their presentations, they will be made available on their session page.
The virtual platform, Pheedloop, has a chatbox feature. Questions will be monitored during the event, and if time allows addressed live, or online.